Joep Staps: Trainen in Zuid-Afrika

Joep Staps: Training in South Africa

In preparation for the new triathlon season, the various ASW athletes go on a training camp. In order to avoid the cold conditions and wet roads in the Netherlands, it is searched for places where it is good for the athlete. Joep Staps, Tri and Duathlete, chose the warm South Africa for his training camp at the end of January. Together with 30 athletes, a tight training schedule was followed there for 2 weeks.
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In preparation for the new triathlon season, the various ASW athletes go on a training camp. In order to avoid the cold conditions and wet roads in the Netherlands, it is searched for places where it is good for the athlete. Joep Staps, Tri and Duathlete, chose the warm South Africa for his training camp at the end of January. Together with 30 athletes, a tight training schedule was followed there for 2 weeks. Specially for AthleteSportsWorld Joep has briefly listed his experiences.
With about thirty athletes we are on an abandoned sandy road somewhere in the Middle of Nowhere in the morning. The last water bottles are given to the guidance, and somewhat excited everyone asks bystanders 'what he/she wants to walk'. It seems like a competition, but without tension and competition. And without warm clothing: just in shorts and t-shirt. That I know will take off in the foreseeable future.
The groups of athletes form during the first kilometers. The fast men (runners, all under 30 minutes out of 10 km) indicate the pace, then I am a group of men and women. After about 20 minutes there is the first beverage post: the following car has driven ahead and has neatly prepared the water bottles, so that you can easily grab them while walking. I also issued two water bottles. Two gray-green AthleteSportsWorld-Bidons. One with water, the other
With a effervescent tablet electrolyte so that I can already supplement the lost minerals while walking. I see them standing, and then I hear someone calling: 'Look right there! Giraffes! '. Hell Yeah, I am in South Africa. And walk here with a group of like -minded people, in the sun, past Giraffes. What a life ... This is really enjoyment, and I am well aware of that! 
I think it is fifty-fifty divided between men and women, and I don't have the illusion that I can easily end anyone. A good part of the group had five rings tattooed somewhere on their bodies, with or without the place and year. From participating in the Games. So it is not a shame that after an hour of endurance, I have to do my best to keep up. I am of course a triathlete, and then I am halfway. While those runners are almost ready .... that appears to have benefits. Are you finished with your training, then you step into one of the following cars. Until everyone has completed his/her training. I am 'The Last Man Standing', and are going to run faster and louder under the many encouraging unnoticed. What a training camp is fantastic!
Joep Staps South AfricaDo you also go away from all daily activities and the Dutch cold? Have fun and success. Don't forget to bring some sportswear (and shoes) in your hand luggage when you fly. If your suitcase does not arrive with you right away, you can at least train.
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