DeBoer Wetsuits
The defarmer works with the best craftsmen in the world and uses the finest materials and latest technology. They produce wetsuits that increase performance, maximize the durability of body heat and increase comfort and flexibility for peak performance.
Even in its renaissance, thefarmer wetsuits are quickly becoming the favorites of professional athletes around the world. So whether you're a professional or just want to perform like one, thefarmer wetsuits will provide you with the best wetsuit ever made. thefarmer wetsuits... who's next?
thefarmeris committed to the positive growth of the human spirit and the promotion of healthy, active lifestyles. We endeavor to provide opportunities where athletes (whether you're a pro or a weekend warrior) are free to explore their abilities, share their experiences, learn with and from each other, and celebrate milestones and accomplishments along the way. We apply this philosophy to the entire deboer wetsuits collection.