De ASW triathleten in actie

The ASW triathletes in action

It has been a nice triathlon weekend and many ASW athletes have appeared at the start of various triathlons in the Netherlands.


First of all we can welcome two Dutch champions in our midst. After a nice exciting and well -arranged race, Joey and Kim van 't Verlaat In Renkum became champion at the NK Crosstriathlon (Juniors 16+yr)

Joey in actionJoey And Kim, together with the other athletes, were brought to the start for 750 meters swimming by boat. Joey was the first of the boys to quickly change for the bicycle part. Shortly behind it Kim van T came out of the water, as a second girl she got on the ATB, with the fastest swimmer about 20 in front of her. The leader was quickly arrested by Kim, at the end of the bicycle part, however, she was also overtaken, making it an exciting competition. After cycling, she looked at a hole of 1'20 "on the leader, but a very fast substitution and excellent running part ensured that she took over after 2 km and did not get it over and over the finish line with more than 2 minutes ahead came.

After swimming, Joey was able to take some time on the fast ATB round on the bike trail without taking too much risk (especially with a view to coming games). When running, Joey did not have to run the 5.5 km completely because he took the bike with a large lead.

Also Joep Staps came at the start of the NK Crosstriathlon with a nice 6the Place overall as a merit. During the race, Joep hit a pole that earned him two bruised ribs! Get well soon!!


In Germany at the Torfmoorsee Erik Lentfert along with half a triathlon. Unfortunately, the list of DNFs starts to take on nice shapes at Erik. Unfortunately, Erik had to end the match early due to extreme breathing complaints while walking. He literally got no more air (asthmatic, but never had problems with in competitions before). At the time of termination, Erik was on a handsome 4the place in the field.

In Veenendaal found this weekend again the 35ste Van Dijk Triathlon Veenendaal Place. Came to this beautifully organized Channah, Roy, Mohamad Masoo and Pim in action. And what could be cooler than to do the "trio triathlon together with your father. This happened to Channah who is returning from a foot injury and therefore let the running pass by. For her again a small step in her rehabilitation, and it was the first game since February again. Not unimportant because Channah will start the World Cup in Rotterdam in September. Together with her father she is 7the become !!


There were 3 athletes active in the Eredivisie. Both Maso, Roy and Pim were allowed to cross the sword with each other! In this heavy field, every small mistake is a backlog. Maso played for the Canyon Fusion Team, Roy at Dolphin Triathlon and Pim in the TTVW team!


After a nice start of Maso (as 5the From the water) he had unwilling legs and eventually cramping while running. Pim came as 25ste from the water but was able to make up for a lot of time while cycling with a 6the bike time. Finally ending with a 14the place! And Roy has settled for a 50th place.


On Saturday came last Koen Hijman At the start at Triathlon Bodegraven. After a chaotic swimming start, Koen took the head and followed by a tight switch the first to jump on the bike. Have to admit two places with cycling, including his old teammateNiels person† Only checked the gap to the leader with walking, but still incorrectly estimated the last running round and with a 6 -second deficit in the first second place. A very nice achievement from Koen !!


In the meantime, Wytse (Team Fleur) participated in the Triathlon Noord-Oostpolder, the quarter distance. A new distance for him, and of course getting used to starting without Fleur. After conquering the nerves, the horn sounds at 2 pm and the battlefield bursts loose. After a number of big collisions and Meppen, Wytse swims in 20: 20 minutes to the switch. Grabbing a bike and he is gone. The bike part goes wonderfully and has a nice rhythm not to cost too much energy. Drinked well along the way and taken an energy gel (1h16min). And then the 10km run that he was most upset. Good drink and a gel help him reach the Fnish after 59 minutes. Tired but satisfied, he looks at the finish board and sees a time of 2:40:55. His goal was three hours, so he never expected this. It was a very nice experience again and on to the next one. 10 Sept. The 1/8 triathlon in Witmarsum. This time just with Fleur.