Zwem sneller naar de finishlijn met Arena's indoor essentials!

Swim faster to the finish line with Arena's indoor essentials!

Looking for a way to improve your swimming skills even during the cold winter months? We have exactly what you need! Our selection of Arena indoor essentials will help you strengthen your swimming ...
6 tips voor zwemmen in koud, open water in de herfst- en winterperiode

6 tips for swimming in cold, open water in the fall and winter period

It is that time again. Summer has officially come to an end. Cooling open water swimming sessions during those tropical days are gradually being replaced by winter hardcore jobs for the die-hard sw...
De verschillende prijsklassen van wetsuits

The different price ranges of Wetsuits

If you look at a new wetsuit, it is important to determine your budget. At ASW we sell wetsuits from € 180 to more than € 600. That is why we always have a suitable wetsuit within your budget. Are ...